New Home, New Beginnings

So as many of you may know, I have recently moved back to the great city of Steubenville for school. Not at Franciscan though, instead I am at a nursing school that is directly attached to one of the major hospitals in the area.
A lot has happened to bring me to this place. But the reason that I’m sitting here in my currently Wi-Fi dead apartment (Xfinity please hurry up and get here!) is because of this beauty of a tapestry that I got on sale:

A lot of you are just going to roll your eyes and say “seriously. Of all the quotes you picked THAT one? The most over used quote of all time.”. And I will proudly say that yes I did spend money on this overused quote because I am the nerd that knows that that is not the whole quote! I’m the nerd who knows that the quote is a poem that Bilbo Baggins wrote about Aragorn (Strider) during a poetry contest in the Fellowship of the Ring and tells us his entire backstory and predicts his future. Cuz Tolkien is a boss like that.
But it wasn’t just my overwhelming nerdyness that brings me to love this quote. “Not all that glitters is gold.Not all who wander are lost…” and so on. Most people take the wandering as a physical wandering. Which in my case is defiantly a probability. I have wandered from different parts of Texas, Ohio, all the states in between, Spain, Portugal, France, Brazil, Costa Rica, and Mexico. The travel bug bit me hard! But this quote struck me with all that was going on so much deeper. We all wander, even if we live in the same house all our lives until that dreaded day when your parents tell you to get out of the basement.

This all hit home during the summer when I went to a funeral for a beloved Uncle who basically was the definition of a wander. He saw beauty everywhere he went and used his skill as a carpenter to bring the beauty to life in amazing tables and even an amazing tree house for the family that was so kind to him near the end. I hope to live a life as fully as he did so that when the day comes that I die and am buried people are not milling around crying like you see in the movies, but rather standing with beers in hand talking about all the stupid shit I did and laughing at all the weird things that I said or did. Rest in Peace Uncle Jim, I hope our slightly more legal version of a Viking funeral made you happy and that you know just how loved you were.

My heart has travelled thousands of miles and dragged the rest of me right behind it, sometimes through some gravel and turf… not fun… But because of the scars that I have gained through my journey in life I was able to take the events of last semester (see pervious posts if you want to read more) and come back with an ambition and determination to crush the opinions of those people who said that my future as a Nurse was non-existent.
These next couple of years are not going to be easy, when I left I kind of wheat through withdrawal. I stayed at home and just watch Netflix feeling sorry for my self and angry at those who took my dream of graduating from Franciscan away. Now that I'm back in the same town I feel like I can heal those wounds and start to ween my way into the real world rather than a dramatic break off.
Pray for me! Nursing school is going to be LOADS of fun!

“There's nothing more calming in difficult moments than knowing there's some one fighting with you.” --Mother Teresa

Let go of your plans. The first hour of your morning belongs to God. Tackle the day's work that he charges you with, and he will give you the power to accomplish it. -St. Edith Stein
