Learning To Love Who You Are

There was a survey done by Glamor magazine of 300 people of all shapes and sizes and came up with the results saying that woman have on average 13 negative body thoughts a day. A DAY! How can we expect to love people when we think like this? I know many people get on their soap boxes about society and all the photoshopping in magazines influences the way woman think about themselves, and while I believe this is true I don't want to loose your attention with something you've read a thousand times. No. I want to talk about changing the way you think. This is no small task. The way we think is ground into us by the events in our lives and the people around us so to change something that has been apart of you for, literally, as long as you have been alive will not happen overnight.

We all find motivation in different things and people, my motivation for this was and is the amazing man that I am lucky to be dating. When we first met I thought of myself as neither pretty nor ugly, I would find things that I didn't like about myself and wish them to change but did nothing to change them. I let them fester and grow in to hatred for those things. Then Ben came into the picture, he constantly told me to believe him when he said that I was beautiful and actually preferred me without any makeup on. At first I thought he was just being nice, but then the longer we hung out I realized that he wasn't lying (he's a horrible lier). This was the beginning. I wanted to start seeing what he saw.

So I started to wash my face more often to clear the acne and tried and hard as possible not to be a statistic, to not say those 13 negative thoughts a day. I also realized that I could use the time that I had been spending in the gym to start training for races (thus the pictures). It is obviously still a work in progress, BUT I have now gained the ability to not only look at myself and say "hey I look good!" but I can also look at old high school photos and say the same.
Realizing that I may have rampaged a little more than I meant too I just wish to say that there are so many women out there that have eating disorders and countless other psychological problems that can lead to a death way before there times. If you see that you are unhealthy overweight and you wish to change that than I am happy for you! But please if you or someone that you know is trying to loose weight and you can tell that it's going to far please step up! Do not wait for them to make the move, if you care for them call a doctor and get them into their office.

To sum up everything: love you for you, never EVER listen to anyone that tells you you are not beautiful because they are only putting you down in the hopes to build themselves up. If you feel like you might be over weight there are many resources where you can search and find the weight that is appropriate for your height and age such as: http://www.calculator.net/ideal-weight-calculator and if you are above of below I would recommend finding ways to fix that ;)
God gave us our lives and our bodies, what better way to glorify him than to take care of this marvelous gift?
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail (writesolo@gmail.com) me or comment below.
God Bless,
