This is a bit of an understatement for what's happened in the past week or so but there it is. Life sucks. But it's also the greatest gift that has ever been given to anyone!
To anyone who follows me on Facebook, you have some idea of what I mean by all of this, and to the rest I will explain.
I had gotten an e-mail over Christmas break saying that I was accepted to the Nursing Program at my school on a probationary status that required me to get all B's. But what I didn't realize was that the name at the top of the letter that was scanned and attached to my e-mail was not mine... It was another students. So I happily went about getting ready for school and clinicals! That is until the first day of class arrived. The teacher pulled me aside after class and asked me what I was doing there. I politely asked her meaning to which she said that I shouldn't be there and that I should know this because I got a letter saying that I wasn't accepted.
You can imagine what a blow this was. All of my dreams of graduating in 2018 with my BSN from here were crushed in a matter of seconds.
So she took me to her office were we had a... heated... discussion about the whole affair and the next day I was sent to the boss of the head of the department who told me that I had reached the end of the line with the Nursing Program. I asked if there was anyway to fight and she flatly replied back "NO".
I don't cry, ever. But that day... I cried more than enough tears to make up for it.
I was angry, upset, and so many other emotions that I can't put into words and most of this was directed at God. "He let this happen to me!.." "He let them think that I wouldn't do well in the program!..." "He's the one taking me away from all my friends and boyfriend!"All things that I either said straight to God or was feeling and couldn't bare to say it.
While I hated leaving the place that I had started to call home, it's helped me to realize that my faith is not bound to the people that I hang out with or the place that I worship. My faith is in me, no one else. We may share the same faith, believe the same things. But the experiences that shape how we worship and who we are also influence our faith and thus make this beautiful universal Church unique to every single person.
This transition has not been an easy one and I know that what ever happens next it will be challenging, but I feel ready for it.
Like I said in the beginning, Life sucks but it's also the greatest gift the world has ever been given. Don't waist that gift waiting for something to happen, you have to go out and work for it. St. Augustine once said: "Pray like it all depends on God, work like it all depends on you."
Thank you all so much for your love and support I really and truly don't believe I could be where I am without it. Pray for me and my applications and that I pick that right school to go to.
God Bless!
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