So along with millions of others out there I've made my little list of New Year Resolutions. I promise it's not the same old unoriginal "I'm going to hit the gym more!", because for me that's useless. If I hit the gym more than I do already i'd loose whatever's left of my sad excuse for a social life! So no, I'm not a body builder. But to those who are, kudos bro that's seriously impressive.
So what is on my list you may be asking? (or not for those who really don't care, but if you don't care than why are you still reading this? Go do something fun like watch Lord of the Rings!) My resolutions this year are simple these:
- pray more
- love more
- study more
- and BE more
Those don't sound to hard right! WRONG! This is going to be the hardest year of my life but also the happiest and most fruitful. I realized that I haven't been letting God be the first one that I go to. I was putting my boyfriend and friends at school in those shoes but the thing is, no matter how much someone loves you they can't fill those shoes, they can't fill the gap in your heart, only God can do that.

A very good friend of mine sent me this prayer by St. Ignatius that spoke to everything that I was feeling. I realize that there may be some readers that aren't Catholic and I welcome you with open arms! This prayer is relevant to more than just one denomination of faith, it's relevant to every single human being that has walked this planet. We all have moments of despair. We all have times when we feel that we can do nothing right, that the entire world is fighting against us and that no matter how loud you scream in protest nothing will change and no one could care about you. I struggle with depression in my daily life so these thoughts cross my mind more often than they should. But you know what? I found out that I don't have to listen to the voices saying that I am alone, that no one could ever love me, and that secretly everyone hates me. The reason that those voices mean nothing to me is because of the amazing witness that Jesus has given me through my household sisters and other such powerful woman here at Franciscan University.

St. Ignatius will lead me into this new year and a new woman. One who isn't afraid of what's ahead because she knows that it's Gods will and not her own.
In a few days there's going to be a meeting with the board of the Nursing Department at my school to decide if I stay on and fulfill God plan for me in Ohio or if I am meant to move on and go somewhere else to receive my degree. I ask for prayers that what ever their decision may be, that it be God's will and not own or mine, and that I be able to accept it with all the humility and grace of his handmaid.
Thank you and God Bless and Happy Feast Day! (eat some King Cake for me!)
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