So we all know that there are certain topics, especially around certain family members, that you just try and avoid because you know that it will only result in disaster.
Well, here I am, about to take them all on!
So first things first! Let's talk about the most charged topic of our society at this moment: GAY PEOPLE! Right off the bat I know what some of you are going to say: "great here comes the smack down on gays, she's such a homophobe, just let them live there lives!", and this is what I have to say to that, I'm not a homophobe and stop throwing that word around before you even get a chance to hear someone else point of view on a topic.
Now for the big news flash: CATHOLICS DON'T HATE GAY PEOPLE! I know right! What a shock! And here comes another curve ball: there are gay catholics who live out Church teaching (a couple of them are my friends, so don't even try and call my bluff ;) ). There's actually an awesome blog written by a man who struggles to do exactly that :,, and there are loads more just look them up. So now that i'm made the water a little less murky for you guys lets get down and dirty. There's a saying that we all try and live out "love the sinner not the sin". Granted this is easier said than done, but it is something that we as a Church strive towards. We do not see the attraction to the same gender as a sin! We see their version of consumption and marriage to be the sin and a mockery of what God has intended it to be. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (giant book literally spelling out everything that we believe, basically it's awesome) says this about marriage: "God disposed man and woman for each other so that they might be 'no longer two but one' (Mt 19:6). In this way they are to live in love, be fruitful, and thus become a sign of God himself, who is nothing but overflowing love." [1601-1605]. While yes there are parts of this that a same sex couple may be able to fulfill, but they cannot, not without some serious surgery, preform the most important act. Creation. This brings up the argument that many will say at this point in the conversation "what about those married couples that 'God' has made infertile?". (this is usually where the antagonist feels really proud of themselves, but i'm about to knock this argument out of the park) Here's the main problem with this argument: the couple could conceive if circumstances were better. There are couples out there who, for what ever reason, are unable to conceive, and I'll be the first to admit that I pray that I do not become one of them. This however, is not a valid argument towards your cause for in that basic definition of marriage it is a man and woman who become one through the act of consummation and, if they are lucky, become 3. None of this is possible through same sex sex.
I realize that i'm probably going to loose some of my followers, if I have any, and possibly some friends but if you did not realize that this is what I believed than you obviously do not know me and do not really have any right to be called my friend. Don't be shy in commenting below.
May God Bless you all,
Well, here I am, about to take them all on!

Now for the big news flash: CATHOLICS DON'T HATE GAY PEOPLE! I know right! What a shock! And here comes another curve ball: there are gay catholics who live out Church teaching (a couple of them are my friends, so don't even try and call my bluff ;) ). There's actually an awesome blog written by a man who struggles to do exactly that :,, and there are loads more just look them up. So now that i'm made the water a little less murky for you guys lets get down and dirty. There's a saying that we all try and live out "love the sinner not the sin". Granted this is easier said than done, but it is something that we as a Church strive towards. We do not see the attraction to the same gender as a sin! We see their version of consumption and marriage to be the sin and a mockery of what God has intended it to be. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (giant book literally spelling out everything that we believe, basically it's awesome) says this about marriage: "God disposed man and woman for each other so that they might be 'no longer two but one' (Mt 19:6). In this way they are to live in love, be fruitful, and thus become a sign of God himself, who is nothing but overflowing love." [1601-1605]. While yes there are parts of this that a same sex couple may be able to fulfill, but they cannot, not without some serious surgery, preform the most important act. Creation. This brings up the argument that many will say at this point in the conversation "what about those married couples that 'God' has made infertile?". (this is usually where the antagonist feels really proud of themselves, but i'm about to knock this argument out of the park) Here's the main problem with this argument: the couple could conceive if circumstances were better. There are couples out there who, for what ever reason, are unable to conceive, and I'll be the first to admit that I pray that I do not become one of them. This however, is not a valid argument towards your cause for in that basic definition of marriage it is a man and woman who become one through the act of consummation and, if they are lucky, become 3. None of this is possible through same sex sex.
I realize that i'm probably going to loose some of my followers, if I have any, and possibly some friends but if you did not realize that this is what I believed than you obviously do not know me and do not really have any right to be called my friend. Don't be shy in commenting below.
May God Bless you all,
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