Gentle but Strong

When my big brought up the virtue of Gentleness my first thought was "good luck". I never in my wildest dreams ever considered myself to be a gentle person. I mean come on. I got into my fare share of fights though out my public school career and to this day I am considered the last person that you want to piss off. But, that's where I was wrong. Gentleness doesn't mean sitting in a corner petting baby animals and telling everyone to just be chill. This isn't Woodstock.

As I was preparing for this blog entry I read up on what some people have said about this virtue, because you don't have to Catholic to appreciate a gentle person. Something that I read caught my eye, and that was that this one man thought that gentleness was not in human nature. He thought that we as a race are not gentle. I wish I could say that I disagree whole heartedly but it is incredibly hard to say that when you look at all the pain and destruction that we as a whole have afflicted. But as with every storm cloud there is a rainbow, because if it were not for all of those horrible battles and attacks we would not have those awe-inspiring moments of a community coming together to cleanup the aftermath. The best example of this is the tragic event on September 11, 2001. That Earth shattering day. I was only in first grade and I remember my class getting interrupted by an announcement over the intercom asking all teachers to pause and turn there TVs to the news. Even as a child who knew nothing of the world I could feel the pain of all those people all the way in Texas. But, we did not let this destroy us, we did not let this evil destroy our nation. No, we got together and fought to rebuild and to heal. We used this ironic virtue to help those who lost family and friends. Gentleness can break down the strongest walls that we can put up against those around us. I am a prime example of this. As I said earlier, I was not the kindest person and, apparently, give of an intimidating first impression. But, as soon as I started my journey toward Christ I came across the most gentle and loving people that helped me to see that all the things that I hated about myself and all the reasons that I feel I can't trust are actually the reasons why I should love and trust others. Do not let the actions of others dictate your life. We did not let the terroist attack on our home dictate our downfall, instead we bound together in such a way that hasn't been seen since probably around World War II. Let God shape you and help you to become his gentle paint brush so that He may paint a painting more magnificent than anyone could ever imagine.
God Bless,
