Now, Unity in Christ. How in the heck do we do that!? Simple, receive his sacraments, most especially his body in blood in the holy sacrifice at the alter. What better way to become one with someone than to physically consume them? It's like God planned it that way or something... Cradle Catholics take the mass for granted so often, they sit there and recite the prayers by memory and are totally thinking about other things (i'll admit I do it to), here's my challenge to you for this Sunday: pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth. I am willing to bet that you don't know just how astounding those specific words and there meanings are, I only know some of them and my mind was completely blown away. If you get the chance ask your parish priest i'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you learn!
Anyway, back to unity. This can be done in so many ways, not just the mass but by looking into all of the gifts that the Lord has given to us to help us grow closer to him. One such gift that I have realized while going through this journey of life is sisterhood and brotherhood. This bond is one that you should be cautious though, because if you do not choose your friends wisely then they can lead you in the opposite direction from where you intended. Trust me when I say that if you set out to change a whole group of friends you are more than likely to change yourself to be accepted.
Unity with God is not something to be taken lightly. This means that whatever happens in your life you will accept it as his plan and he will test you, he seems to really enjoy testing me. For me this is the biggest struggle because, not only are you uniting you soul to God but your wills. Just as St. Therese said "we shared every joy". I hope that through prayer and the intercession of our blessed Mother you are able to reach this amazing pinnacle of Faith.
May God Bless you and your journey,
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