Sorry, my inner Beatles fan couldn't help it...
They didn't miss the mark though, it's true "all we need is love". Also true that it may not be the love that they were referring to but hey it's still a great song. St. Josemarie Escriva even agrees when he says, "to be happy what you need is not an easy life but a heart which is in love". I know many people would look at that quote and think what the heck does a priest know about love? What do they know about heartbreak or any other side affect of giving oneself over to another? My answer to that. Everything. You would be surprised to hear the testimonies of many priest include lives that do not reflect Catholic teaching in the slightest but, praise God, they had a conversion moment and now have a new love to fill there hearts. The love of God. There is one priest that I know from back home who gave his testimony infront of about 700 teens and told a story of a boy in love with a beautiful girl while attending school to be an engineer, but then he felt the Lords call and had to leave. Now obviously I paraphrased the story and skipped over a lot of details but this proves my point, priests are human beings! Anyway, now that my tangent is over, lets get back to Love.
Currently i'm taking a class called Christian Marriage, it's only been our second day of class and this guy is already making my mind spin. We think of love as this emotion that hits us and that stays with us forever, when we finally find Mr or Mrs Right. Well i'm here to tell you that is most definitely a bold face lie! Love may be part of an emotion such as joy, nervousness, etc. but it isn't an emotion in its self! Emotions end, love doesn't. As my professor put it: "love is a mystery that no one can solve for mysteries are unsolvable. Problems on the other hand, those you can solve! It may take a couple days depending on the problem but eventually all your energy will be spent and the problem will have an answer. Love is not like that!". With love you find yourself realizing that something about the person you love drives you absolutely crazy, but that does not diminish you love, it may not be as apparent as it was before but it is still there.
How does this all tie into God and being like Mary? I'll tell ya. We've all heard the famous bible passage John 3:16, but have we ever actually thought about it? Have we ever thought about the seven swords that pierced Our Lady's heart during her only sons crucifixion? That is real love and real unity with Christ (you see what I did there ;) ). Mary loved God and her Son so much that she endured the pain of watching her own flesh and blood being beaten past what any meer human being could have handled. She stood there and accepted not only her fate to loose her son, but the fate of you own pain when she gave her famous "yes" to Gabrielle.
You want to talk about an undying love, look at the cross next time and think about everything that was going on, everything that Christ suffered for us, everything that we have done to inflict pain on him, and think "would I still love me?". I wouldn't. I'd hate me. And that is why we strive to love like Christ, to love unendingly, even if it doesn't make us happy.
God Bless,
Sorry, my inner Beatles fan couldn't help it...

Currently i'm taking a class called Christian Marriage, it's only been our second day of class and this guy is already making my mind spin. We think of love as this emotion that hits us and that stays with us forever, when we finally find Mr or Mrs Right. Well i'm here to tell you that is most definitely a bold face lie! Love may be part of an emotion such as joy, nervousness, etc. but it isn't an emotion in its self! Emotions end, love doesn't. As my professor put it: "love is a mystery that no one can solve for mysteries are unsolvable. Problems on the other hand, those you can solve! It may take a couple days depending on the problem but eventually all your energy will be spent and the problem will have an answer. Love is not like that!". With love you find yourself realizing that something about the person you love drives you absolutely crazy, but that does not diminish you love, it may not be as apparent as it was before but it is still there.

You want to talk about an undying love, look at the cross next time and think about everything that was going on, everything that Christ suffered for us, everything that we have done to inflict pain on him, and think "would I still love me?". I wouldn't. I'd hate me. And that is why we strive to love like Christ, to love unendingly, even if it doesn't make us happy.
God Bless,
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