So it's that time of year again. Everyone's calculating just how much they need to study in order to pass their classes and panicking when they realize they need a 200% just to get a C.
Well, during this lovely time I think it's good idea to just take a step back and think about what's happening. Not only are you privileged enough to go to a college, but you're privilege goes so far as to live on or in a home near campus, with textbooks that cost more than your left kidney pilled up around you and mounds of syllabuses for term projects that have yet to be started (Que Sound of Music picture).
There is also the fact that we are privileged to have parents that freak out when we don't get the A's and B's they thought we were working hard for (don't worry i'm not with them Mom), luckily we are not all Batmans, is what i'm getting at here. Heck if we were Batman we wouldn't be in any of the situations we're currently in. Danget! Why can't I be Batman!
Well, during this lovely time I think it's good idea to just take a step back and think about what's happening. Not only are you privileged enough to go to a college, but you're privilege goes so far as to live on or in a home near campus, with textbooks that cost more than your left kidney pilled up around you and mounds of syllabuses for term projects that have yet to be started (Que Sound of Music picture).

Back to reality for a second, I know it's hard.
Many people look at college student and wonder why finals are as hard as they keep saying they are. Well lets put it into perspective.
Let's say that you are an accountant. Now, say your boss told you that on one specific day at one specific time you had to tell him exactly what was spent by the company at and random time they choose on that specific day. Oh and you can't have notes with you! It must all be memorized!
So please pray for any and all college student suffering the wrath of angsty professors that have just now realized they did not get to the papers or projects that they were supposed to and decided to stack them all up at once on their unsuspecting students!
We all have our weaknesses and reasons to put off studying, personally mine is Netflix, but we must resist! We must be strong like Obi Won Kinobi and nothing like his stupid apprentice who killed 50 kids and then passed his saber down to his son (via Kinobi, but we don't talk about that)!
But soon the time will come when you turn in your pile of blue books and never have to open that horrible text book again!
(P.S. sorry for all the nerd references on this one, I've kinda lost my filter because of stress..)
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