So many people, and I am guilty as well, say "danget Eve!" when they talk about our fallen nauture. But it is not entirely her fault. She may have been the one that replied to the serpent, but the Bible clearly said that Adam was there with her! Why didn't he stop her? Why didn't he say "Yo, Eve this is a really bad idea we should go find apples in another part of the garden!". But he didn't. He stood there and accepted the fruit as Eve handed it to him. This is shown in our human nature today. Men just stand around, it is our responsibility as women of God to call them onto to manhood. This can be done in the simple things such as: letting them carry something for you, opening a door for you, accepting their complements, and so on! Now please do not take this as an attack on men for being pigs or what have you. I like guys! In fact most of my friends are men. So all bigotry aside, because men must also call women on to holiness in their womanhood. The modern day feminist will say that a woman can do anything and everything that a man can. This is true, to an extent. There comes a point where what the movement is actually doing is causing a woman to become a man. This is the part that I wish to stop! We can have equal rights in the workplace, at home, and in the social world without having to resort to kicking the men completely out of the picture. We are not the Amazons from Greek mythology! ( though being Wonder Woman would be awesome)
I might to a post later about my views on feminism and society later but for now I digress.
The fall happened. We all accept that. The reason the woman feel we got the short end of the stick is a reasonable one. No one really enjoys labor pains! But we must remember that Mary took the place of Eve in the new covenant, and her heart was stabbed 7 times during the crucifixion! But she bore the pain for our salvation. And most of all our Lord and savior was a man, a man and God all at once in one tiny fail package we call our bodies. He suffered a death so excutiatingly painful that any normal person would have died after the scourging at the pillar. To then be raised from the dead to not only save the souls of those here on Earth at the time, but of those to come and had already passed! Mary and Jesus took the place of Adam and Eve and set for us a new mold to become, a new way of life to follow.
So let us, the Easter people, say Hallelujah he is risen! And follow the virtues of Mary and the laws layer down by her Son.
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