So. Just Signed Up for 5K

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So this is my first time doing ANY sort of race or fundraiser like this. But, it's the best cause I could think of to start my journey to a marathon (maybe, lets not get crazy). I'll be running in a Wounded Warrior Project 5K/10K/Half-Marathon on June 13-14 and I highly recommend to anyone out there who thinks they could never run that far to open there phones app store and find an app called Couch to 5K (or 10K, depending on how ambitious you are) and give it a try. I never thought I'd be able to run a mile much less 3 but i've been seriously surprised in the results! Please don't give up on yourselves! And if you can turn that New Years resolution into helping people, how better to serve God and help those around you.
Hope to see y'all out there on the treadmill/track ;)
God Bless,
