Now the reason for this coming up is that while being a eucharistic minister at my parish, a little girl came up and after I offered her the cup she looked down in it and just went "ew..." and you could tell that the mom was embarrassed but the daughter had already walked away toward dad. So she accepted the blood of Christ and went after her.
Do I think that the mom should have done something right then and there to correct her daughter? Not really, personally I think she was more disgusted by the idea of drinking out of the same cup about 20 other people had. But, I started to make me think about when I was going through confirmation at my Methodist church.
You see I am one of few people that can say they've gone through a confirmation twice (but probably not as few as I think). During this process we talked about other "Christian religions". Now I need to give a little back story and say that my Grandparents are Catholics and we would go to mass with them whenever we visited so I knew at least how the service went but not much else, I spent most of my time starring at their crucifix floating above the alter. So back to learning about other religions! The day we talked about Catholicism was, in a way, my first stepping stone to becoming Catholic. One of my teachers said that we could have our own opinions on the matter but she thought that the idea that Catholics have that they are drinking and eating Christ was disgusting. And my reply was, "But... if everything Christ said is supposed to be true... why wouldn't something as big as that be?" She didn't really have a reply except to repeat that we were allowed to have our own opinions.

So as a sum up... the eucharist is awesome! In more ways than one it brought about my conversion and continually works in my life. Because the absolutely amazing part of the Eucharist is that when we receive it Christ becomes one with us! He, quite literally, lives inside us! And even though there's nothing we could do to deserve such an amazing gift he offers it to us happily. My High School spiritual director told me once that... the moments when we feel the worst, when we feel that we don't deserve Christ, are the moments that we need him the most and in the most potent way... the Eucharist.
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