1 semester down, 9 more to go!

Hey everyone! I hope you have all had a blessed Christmas! I got to go down and visit family, which is always interesting ;).
Anyway! I thought that you guys should know how life's going up here and right now it's REALLY cold. The Texan is not a fan of all this cold, snow yes, clod no. We did have a snow day yesterday and I got to go sledding with some friends! Also on my birthday I intended to Handmaids of the Lord household here on campus (for those of you who don't know household are like a Catholic sorority/ fraternity, there are guy ones too, and we get together to do things like pray a rosary or a holy half hours in the chapel). So yeah that's extremely exciting, i'll be able to have a group of girls that help me to grow in the Marian virtues and personal prayer (which is kinda of one of her virtues but hey).
Also, i've realized that I did not do well enough this past semester to get into the Nursing program next year, so i'll be doing the 5 year nursing program here instead. The news was very upsetting at first, but now I realize it's God's will and that it's already working out for the best. I can now get a lot of the extra core curriculum classes out of the way and really get a chance to enjoy this experience of college with my friends and become the best Nurse that God wants me to be. It does however mean that I won't be able to go to Austria until the fall of my Junior year, but a couple of my friends are going then so I won't be completely alone :).
I hope you are all having a wonderful New Year (yeah I know it's February, but it's never to late to wish someone a happy new year; except if it's the wrong year then you've got a problem...)
Anyway! God Bless, I will be praying for you and I ask that you pray for my family this week.
Thank you,
Teen For Life
p.s. I'll try and put some of the pictures I took during the March for Life in Washington D.C. (I went with Franciscan University)
