Now a Freshman again...

I just finished High School! Some would think that the only thing on my mind right now would be how happy I am to be leaving the house and going off to my dream school to study something that i'm really interested in. But they would be wrong.

You see through this year I have grown not only in maturity but in my faith and my friendships. Also there have been some serious moments were everything was tested, were I wondered what would happen if I wasn't alive, if my parents had never had me. All of this happened because the public school near me had two extreemly tragic deaths, one a lake diving accident and the other a suicide. These two boys ment so much to this school full of thousands of people.
So even though I personally didn't know those boys, I knew there friends and helped them through there deaths, I feel like they taught me an amazing lesson.

No matter how small, how insugnificant you feel to a world full of billions of people. There is always at least one person out there who would die if you died. That no matter how crappy you feel, how annoyed you are with the world, there is absolutly no real reason to rake your life. Because while you may think you're doing the world a favour, YOU'RE NOT, you are causeing heart ach and trauma that didn't need to happen.

So basically what i'm trying to say is while yea i'm excited to go off to me dream school and study what I want to study. I'm also extreemly nervous. I don't want to loose these friends that I have gone through so much with. I don't want to. I know i'm considered "lucky" to be going to a Catholic college, but in a way I disagree. Yes my faith won't be tested nearly as much as if I had gone to a public college, or just non catholic, but it will be tested with more intellect than it would be any were else. My class mates will be able to test me in a way that a normall college never could because they know exactly what I believe and know exactly how i'm living it out. So don't ever tell someone that there choice in college was a cop out of living there faith, because it's just the opposite.

Sorry for the rant but I hope I got what I was trying to say across,
God Bless,
Teen for Life
