Today we woke up and got the rest of our bags, when we got them not all the stuff was in them, and we got some breakfast (same as yesterdays). Then we went to a catachesis class with the Arch Bishop of a state in America (blanked sorry) along with the rest of the English speaking world (Ireland, Poland, Canada, Qatar and most importantly Scotland). After the lesson we had mass, and a Scotsman IN A KILT read the petitions! Then we all got lunches near the arena, Emily and I got a picture with the Scotsmen (the one near me was pretty cute, course any man in a kilt is gana be at least mildly attractive :P )
After all this excitement and our group randomly ambushing people (mostly Italians) to take pictures we headed off and went to the vocation fair. We did get to meet some Nigerians (who wanted pictures), some Germans, South African's and a few other places that wanted to trade stuff with us.

Then Sister Mary Joe got hungry and wanted KFC, so of course we found one near our old hotel. She then let us have some free time to do whatever. Emily and I both got nock off Converse "Plops" to paint when we get home and I traded my Mavs hat for a really cool German hat with a German who actually knew who the Mavs were (the first guy, the person I asked, asked "What are Mavericks?" I almost laughed at the way he said it but I didn't...)
Now for the adventure of finding string! You see we wanted string to make bracelets to trade, no one over here knows what string is! We asked one lady, who led us sorta the right direction, and she replied "Please describe string?" We did our best but that led us to more confused faces, so then I pointed to the bracelet with string on it and she pointed to another building and said it was on the second floor. Well, first thing we see on the second floor is
longere so that's not right, so we went one more flight up and talked to an information desk guy (who we also had to describe string to) who finally led us to where the string was!
Then we went back to the arena again to go to a concert. But when we got their, it was already full. So we hung out outside and did a very intament conga line with the French. (we ducked out before it got crazy)
On the train ride back to the school we got into a chanting war with the French on the other side and our group along with another American group, we sang/shouted America the Beautiful and out National Anthem. Then when we got on the train we were practically Sardines! It was REALLY packed.
I got this purple bracelet and another one with dolphins on it from a couple of Italian girls I met on the train.
Well gata go good night!
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