This morning we all woke up and walked to shrine after breakfast, I was cranky because of the lack of sleep (and being shoved into a crowded area with people that only care about getting were they wana be). We then got a talk from Tammy, with music accompaniment from the mass across the river. Then they took us on a (very) short tour of the chapel, apparently they're shooting a movie about Bernadette here tomorrow, they then took us to her home (during the apparitions). When we got back to the shrine Fr. Thomas gave a talk about letting Jesus in, and that only he can fulfill our hearts desire for love.
Now i'm waiting in line for the healing waters. They're going to give us a robe and (in the long run) dunk us in the water that sprung up from were Bernadette dug, they say it's going to be 52 degrees Fareinhite water! I'm so close to going in, i'm actually nervous. I know their isn't a reason to be, but with everything I do wrong to make me far from holly. It might be the devil trying to make sure I don't do it, but if it is he will be severely disappointed in a few minutes. They gave us this little piece of paper to help get us ready for it and give a little history behind the baths, it's very interesting to think about the connection between hers and our own suffering along with Jesus'. Yes, his was more gruesome, but the point is still the same, for the salvation of souls.
I just finished my bath, it felt... amazing, like washing after rolling around in the dirt or just finishing a hard days work. What they do is you go in to a big room with striped curtains dividing it into sections, when they call you in a women asks if you speak French (don't worry they have English speakers to) then directs you to a plastic party chair, where you put all your things. They then hold this blue cape like clothe around you so that you can change "comfterbly", once done with that you hold the cape around you and stand in a line to go into the water. (it's only one) They then switch your cape for a towel and start to say a Hail Mary as you walk to the other end of the tub to where there is a small Mary statue that you kiss. Then you do, almost a wall squat into the water (I didn't understand that they were trying to get me to sit on my knees in the water), once done they will help you out and switch from the towel back into the cape and then you go back and redress. I was grouchy and most likely would not have enjoyed the nearly as much as I will now! Tonight we get to go in the candle light procession, I can't wait!
Well, in between that and the candle light procession was mass, which was held in the "Catacombs" of the chapel. With a very entertaining flag shopping experience. Valarie (consecrated) took Emily, Amanda, and I flag shopping, we got five American flags and one Canadian (we have a few). After this we walked down the street and got some cheese for Valarie to eat because she hadn't had any lunch, while the three of us (non consecrated) walked just a little farther up the street and a shop owner (later found out to be Jeffery) commented on our flags, which started a very long conversation involving; Orlando Florida, politics (especially Obama), and my henna. He then showed us his American Souvenirs and as we were leaving he gave us free medals with Our Lady of Lourdes on them. Once we got back to the shrine we met brother (Franciscan Friars) and took pictures with them! They especially like our flags. :D

Then we did the stations of the cross, which went up a very steep mountain/hill. But the statues for the stations were amazing!Then we went to the candle light ceremony, we marched around the courtyard. They asked me and the girl carrying the Canada flag to go to the stage and show off the flags. Their was Spain, some African country, and the awesome Irish (who actually talked to me!He asked were I came from and when I told him how it is in Texas he was completely shocked!)
I then went to the grotto and put two candles in. Then on the way home we met Canadian Koreans that were extremely funny!
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