It Begins!

Breakfast was provided by WYD, it was some stale pastry thing and energy chocolate milk... After this we went to a park near our  "home" and did morning meditations on not holding grudges. One of the stories he told us was about a boy who couldn't stand his class and told his dad that. So the dad played a game with him, it was to throw charchole at this white t-shirt on a clothes line, when finished the boy was sweaty and gross but felt better. The dad told him to look in the mirror and see which was dirtier him or the shirt, the boy was the dirtiest and the father told him that is what a grudge does, it harms you more than the person your angry with.
After the meditation we went into our groups and found cough medicine for two people in my group. Then we went to this absolutely amazing talk by Christopher West. We had to wait in a very long line to just get in, but it was the most amazing wait i've ever had to endure! We met Malaysians that taught us this fruit song and sang a song in Malaysian as gratitude for teaching them our Waka Waka remix! And one of them gave me this really cool sword key chain! Then we met a bunch of Canadians that we sang very silly songs with :D. Then during the talk their was a band that played and this totally awesome sand art thing!

Then we got directions from another american group on how to get to the opening mass, which was pretty funny! (we got these pins from Germans on our way to the talk on the subway) Then we found a restaurant nearish to the courtyard were the mass was being held. We got a "Pilgrims dinner" with our (for lack of a better term) food stamps and even free cake because it was a girls birthday in out group!Then we were stuck in the very back of the crowd, so far back we couldn't hear them speak from the pulpit or any of the  music. Their were several ambulances leaving the mass, i don't know who or what happened to them but they weren't from our group so that's good...
On the very crammed subway tunnels we met some good lookin Germans that we were gana trade bracelets with but sister Mary Joe practically drug us through the crazy crowd and we lost them :(. I REALLY hope we see them tomorrow!
