Lent is a fishy business

Ok so Lent has arrived!
Many of you reading have givin up getting sweets, but the idea (I recently found out is to NOT tell anyone what you given up! That was it's more of a sacrifice)
Anyway, their is a point to this, goring up non-Catholic but still being christain I've done lent all my life, but this time I am actually going to do I was extremely determined, but then I found out from one of my classmates on sunday that your not supposed to break your fast on Sunday. I bet you van guess what I was doing when she told me this... Yep I was breaking it I was just enjoying my self and then WHAM!
This is going to be a lot harder than I thought....
(Methodists don't exactly care if you break it or not, Catholics are a lot more strict about this stuff)
Any way hope everyone has a great Lent and eats lot of fish!
