Following His Will

Something that every Christian will come to terms with eventually is that no matter what your plans are, if God wants you to go to Africa and feed the starving children then he will make it very plane and apparent that that's where you need to be, but probably not at first.
How life feels about now.
This is something that I feel like i've always struggled with. I've never been really good at doing what other people tell me, especially if they think it's what's good for me. For whatever reason that just make me want to do the opposite even more! Best example, when I was told that there was no point in pursuing a nursing career because obviously I wasn't good enough to stay in the school I was enrolled in. Well, my response was to find a different school and do really well in that. Up until finals. That's when, for whatever reason, I choked and failed. So. Now I'm at a crossroads, again. Do I stay in Ohio and be near my friends for as long as possible and try another nursing school up here, or do I go home and try a nursing school down there. At there moment it is looking like God is steering me towards home. I'd save money and earn a lot more down there by working 2 jobs. I've also signed up for EMT course at a local community college while I live out the rent agreement on the apartment I own in Ohio.

The reason I bring this all up is because of the gospel from a few weeks ago. It was the story of how the first disciples were not only chosen but how they reacted to being chosen. "Come with me and I will make you fishers of men" one.
The line that will forever strike me is when he calls both sets of brothers they immediately drop what they have and follow him. There was no "Oh Jesus, I can't believe it! Please just give me a minute to say goodbye to my father" or "Hold on while we catch this last load of fish!". No. the dropped it all and went to him. At this very moment, I know I couldn't do that. I'd like to say I could and I would. But that'd be a lie. My mind would race at a million miles per hour of all the things that I had to do before I left everything to follow Jesus. Mainly, saying goodbye to my family and friends and figuring out what to do with all my things. But that's what's so amazing about these brothers! They not only leave their families, they leave there entirely livelihoods! Literally everything they know is in those boats, and they dropped it like a hot potato! A household sister pointed that out to me when we read this passage during one of our Lords Day's and my mind was blown. These weren't educated men, as several bible scholars like to remind us. They most likely have no idea how to read and they only knew enough math to get by in the markets. For all intents and purposes, they were idiots. And yet, they helped found our Church! Our "rock", Peter was about as thick as they come, but he knew what he saw and he knew what was right. He denied Christ and received forgiveness, Christ even when so far as to make him the first Pope. Even after everything that he did, but the really amazing thing is. With the honor given to him as leader of the Church after Christ departed, Peter did not (according to legend) believe himself to be worthy of dying the same way his master did. Which was the most shameful and humiliating way for anyone prisoner/ criminal to die. He did not see himself as worthy enough to die in the most blatantly awful way possible because it was the same as the Son of God.
Turk out.
Basically, as a summary. Let God push you where you're meant to go. It's going to be hard, and people may persecute you. But if you do not find your reward here on earth, just imagine how fantastic and amazing your reward will be in heaven (and yes I realize how cheesy that sounds, but it's the truth so shush)!
Sorry for the rampage but I just found it fascinating.
Thanks so much for sticking through it!
God bless,
